Saturday, February 16, 2008

And so it begins...

Hi! Welcome to my blog! This is where you can follow my attempts to live the good life while working 20 hours a week. And sometimes less.

I hope you can pick up some ideas how you too can channel the power of cheapness.

To start things off, here's a summary of my cheap-tivities for today:

-Instead of buying The Social Contract, Plato's Politics, and Plato's Ethics, which I needed for school, I read them for free on the floor in Barnes and Noble.

-At the pizzeria where I got a slice for lunch, I asked for a free cup of water instead of buying a drink.

-Instead of going out tonight and spending money, I am writing a blog.

During my reading today, I came across this gem:

The word 'finance' is the word of a slave.

–Jean-Jacques Rousseau

What this means is anybody's guess, but I'm inclined to think he was on to something.

1 comment:

Alison Byrne said...

Hmmm, you're cheap. You spend evenings at home, alone, blogging. You're interested in fake mermaid sitings.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and're single, right?