Friday, February 13, 2009

Balcony Farming

I've been trying to grow some vegetables on the balcony. I started with lettuce and spinach, 2 cool weather crops perfect for a mild California winter.

Here are my expenses so far:

-Planters - $7.00

The 7 bucks was for a plastic planter intended for home storage. I also got two free wooden pallets that the California Republican Party was giving away on Craigslist. (I also got to see where they keep their giant "Bob Dole Forever" signs.)

-Dirt - Free!

I got some off a "Free Dirt Alert" on CL. I stole the rest from the vacant lot down the block.

-Compost - Free!

The compost isn't finished, but the coffee grinds, shredded newspaper, pine needles, and dead leaves were all things I already had around the house.

-Compost Bin #1 - Free!

Thanks again craigslist.

-Compost Bin #2 when 1st one filled up - $6.00

This stylish red and green bin was on sale at a hardware store in early January.

-3 seed varieties (lettuce, spinach & mixed greens) - $8.00

-Plastic shovel and pails originally intended for a baby - Free!

Thanks goes to my friend Kathleen on this one for this useful housewarming gift.


To put this in perspective, $21.00 will buy 9 bags of spinach at Trader Joes.

TOTAL CROP YIELD SO FAR: 0.0 heads of lettuce/spinach

Hopefully, I can rectify this. Even so, I don't think I'll be beating the farmer that supplies Trader Joes on price. I might beat him on convenience and taste, if I can pick my salad fresh from the balcony in a month or two.

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